Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a full turnaround year!!!

For those of you who had a turnaround presented to you last year, don't get stuck half way in the turnaround. Make the full revolution into the complete 360 this year. 

This is your time for the bumper crop. 
This is your time to see the green light. 
This is your moment to walk out on to that stage. 
This is your time to put your hand to the Spirit led business plan. 
This is your time to say no once and for all to the many things that distract you.
This is your moment to move into a higher place of positioning.
This is your time to walk in supernatural health, wealth and maturity.
This is the time where an appointed time meets your steps.
This is your time to stop with all of the excuse making, including the, "I don't have enough money" one.
This is your time to look yourself in the mirror each and every morning and say "I will do this, because God is with me and He will guide me every step of the way".
This is your time to look at your tiredness from working a job and tell it to wait, because you are utilizing your extra time to work on your real one...destiny.
This is your time to shine brighter than any earthly diamond.
This is your time to love more, laugh more, play more, and create more. This is your time to let Christ finally have the reigns of your life to the degree where rest and peace flood your soul like a torrential flood, as you advance into greatness.
This is your time to simply believe like a little child and place every ounce of worry, doubt, unbelief and fear at the foot of the cross and leave it there. This is your time to open wide the gates of service serving your gift rather than serving up frustration living a fraudulent life.
This is your time to take laziness by the nap of the neck and throw it out with the trash.
This is your time to look your past square in the eye and speak to it with blistering resolve and shout "You better stay gone! Or I promise you will regret it through the power of my words and actions reminding you of the finished work!"

This is your time to be what you always knew yourself to be....authentically.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What's coming is unprecedented

Don't think that the intense anticipation and excitement you are feeling in your spirit is merely you. What is coming to earth from Heaven in the near future is more than we think. Heaven is invading earth and because it is things are now accelerating in many areas. This means that because Heaven is pressing down towards earth, everything that can be shaken and sifted in our lives will be so highlighted that we will not be able to shrug it off any longer. It also means that those who have been waiting and watching for this moment for many years will go into places and experience things they've longed for and dreamed about.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The resistance to the work you were born to do....interview

Author Steven Pressfield is famous for his novels with a warrior tint. He is also an author of a best seller called "The War of Art". He is on a search and into New Age, but listen to the struggle of resistance when going after your calling.

The War of Art

I've never read a self help book that wasn't fatuous, obvious and unhelpful. Until The War of Art. It's amazingly cogent and smart on the psychology of creation. If I ever teach a writing course this would be one of the first books I'd assign, along with the letters of Flannery O'Connor.
—Jay McInerney, author of Bright Lights, Big City and Brightness Falls
What keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid the roadblocks of any creative endeavor—be it starting up a dream business venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece?
The War of Art identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.
The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognize and overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectively shows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline. Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself.